Build customer loyalty at every touchpoint

SmileBack® is the only customer feedback system designed specifically for MSPs, and focused exclusively on customer satisfaction. Receive instant feedback so you can save time, optimize your service and improve your client experience.

We're excited to join
the ConnectWise family!

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Improve retention and generate referrals with Customer Satisfaction and Net Promoter Score

Understand how your customers feel about your service with a customer feedback system built on Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) and Net Promoter Score (NPS). With quantitative and qualitative customer insights, you can start using data to improve the efficiency of your operations, retain more customers and expand the reach of your business.

Dedicated to feedback

Collect and analyze survey responses to improve your quality of service and operational efficiency. Address service gaps and replicate airtight processes by identifying pain points and customer wins, fast.

Made for service desks

Integrate seamlessly with your existing system and automate repetitive tasks. We make it easy for SmileBack® to become a part of your daily workflows so there’s fewer barriers to success.

Proven in satisfaction

We’ve helped 1,000+ customers over the last five years improve their business through our customer satisfaction expertise. Our customers experience an average response rate of 42% (well above the industry average).

We've built the most important
tool in your tech stack

We practice what we preach. All of our features come from our extensive experience supporting MSP businesses to collect and take action on user feedback.

Showcase feedback

Drive new business and leverage social proof. Show off your NPS/CSAT scores and positive comments on your website. Turn great feedback into Google Reviews to impress new customers.

Customize and
schedule surveys

Create and schedule custom-branded NPS surveys. Seamlessly assess your customer loyalty and identify opportunities for growth and improvement.

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Get instant metrics with
actionable results

Stay on point by triggering one-click surveys at the close of every service ticket. Turn customer reviews and important client comments into action, fast.

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Analyze and report

Monitor and gather insights on your customer response data in real time. Dashboards and custom client reports help you leverage feedback for more meaningful QBRs.

Automate actions

Set up workflows to quickly respond to issues, share your wins, or simply make your teams more efficient.

Built for your PSA

We’ve made it easy to integrate SmileBack® into your existing systems. Just connect, start sending surveys, and receive feedback in minutes.

Want us to add support for your system?

Hear what our customers
have to say

Give us a trial run

Take SmileBack® for a 14-day test drive and start collecting valuable feedback that you can act on. Learn what’s going well, identify areas of improvement, and separate high-value customers from the crowd.

Share what makes you great

Display your positive feedback to prove the quality of your service and inspire loyalty.

Resources to help you level-up your feedback game

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Start collecting feedback today

Start your free trial

Create your account to kick-off your free 14-day trial and start receiving valuable customer feedback in minutes.

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Success! You’re all set

Your account is setup and ready to go. All you need to do now, is simply sign in and you’ll be receiving useful feedback and metrics in no time.

Let's get you started

Tell us a bit about yourself. We'll give you a personalized demo and show you how SmileBack® can supercharge your service desk through customer feedback.

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By submitting this form you agree to our Terms of Service. Your data is kept secure with 128-bit encryption and never shared with third parties. If you would like to know more see our Privacy Policy

Thanks, we’re on it!

One of our feedback specialists will be reaching out to you shortly to book a time for your personalized demo.

Tell us all about it

Let us know who you are, what system you’re using and a brief message about your query or issue.

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We got your request

One of our people will be reaching out to you shortly to talk to you about your concern or question. We are always here to support whatever need you have.