Plans to fit your growth

Get access to all our features at any pricing tier, built to be utilized as your organization grows. Join 1000+ companies that have improved their customer satisfaction with SmileBack®.

Already a ConnectWise partner? You can also contact your Account Manager for additional subscription options.

Billed annually
Billed monthly
1-5 agents
6-10 agents
11-15 agents
Pro +
16-20 agents
21+ agents
228 *
  • Starter
    1-5 agents
  • Growth
    6-10 agents
  • Pro
    11-15 agents
  • Pro +
    16-20 agents
  • Enterprise
    21+ agents
    228 *

All features are included in all pricing tiers!

  • One-Click Surveys
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Website Widget
  • Integrations and API
  • Dynamic PSA Updates
  • Custom Reporting
  • Google Reviews
  • Slack and MS Teams Notifications
  • Automated Workflows
  • Realtime Dashboards
  • Data Filtering and Segmentation

* starting price

Give us a trial run,
no risk and for free

Take SmileBack® for a test drive and see how easy we integrate with your helpdesk, deliver customer satisfaction metrics and support your needs, whatever they may be.

You have questions, we have answers

What is an agent?
Agents are members of your team, such as helpdesk staff, technicians, and engineers, who provide service or support to your customers.
How does our pricing work?
We base your subscription price on the total number of agents receiving feedback through SmileBack®. As your team grows, we’ll automatically adjust your subscription price.
What do I get access to during my free trial?
During the free trial, you’ll have access to all of the features of SmileBack®.
What happens at the end of my trial?
Once your trial is over, you’ll need to sign up for a plan in order to continue using SmileBack®.
How secure is my data?
We take data security very seriously. Read more about it.
Have a question for us that we haven’t answered?

Start collecting feedback today

Start your free trial

Create your account to kick-off your free 14-day trial and start receiving valuable customer feedback in minutes.

Password is at least 8 characters
Contains an upper case letter
Contains a lower case letter
Uses a number or special charcter
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By submitting this form you agree to our Terms of Service. Your data is kept secure with 128-bit encryption and never shared with third parties. If you would like to know more see our Privacy Policy

Success! You’re all set

Your account is setup and ready to go. All you need to do now, is simply sign in and you’ll be receiving useful feedback and metrics in no time.

Let's get you started

Tell us a bit about yourself. We'll give you a personalized demo and show you how SmileBack® can supercharge your service desk through customer feedback.

Please submit captcha

By submitting this form you agree to our Terms of Service. Your data is kept secure with 128-bit encryption and never shared with third parties. If you would like to know more see our Privacy Policy

Thanks, we’re on it!

One of our feedback specialists will be reaching out to you shortly to book a time for your personalized demo.

Tell us all about it

Let us know who you are, what system you’re using and a brief message about your query or issue.

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We got your request

One of our people will be reaching out to you shortly to talk to you about your concern or question. We are always here to support whatever need you have.